Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Why you should hire professional Ecommerce Website Translation Service

 First impressions count and this also applies to your website. Since there are over a billion

Ecommerce websites on the Internet today, the range of available content is large and this

means that we are used to not staying on one website for long.


According to studies, it only

takes a fraction of a second before we decide whether we want to stay on one website or

whether we prefer to look for another one. For this reason it is important to make a good

first impression. Poor and incomprehensible Ecommerce Website translation is one of the

reasons why website visitors leave a site quickly without spending any time on the content.

In addition, a bad translation can appear unprofessional, which is a disadvantage for

entrepreneurs. But whether you need a website translation for business or pleasure, it's best

to hire professional translators.

The problem with automatically translated websites

Unfortunately, it happens all too often that texts are automatically translated with the help

of software programs or online. Although these programs are much more advanced today

than they were a few years ago, the quality is still far below that which professional

translators can provide. Incorrect grammatical structures, sentences that are difficult to

read, expressions that are not used correctly, ...


All this makes it difficult to read a website.

But there are other points that speak for a professional Ecommerce translation Services:

SEO translation of a Ecommerce website and why it is important

A well-written text is not sufficient for a website. In order for visitors to be able to find it

using a search engine such as Google, the content must be optimized accordingly. To do this,

a few things must be taken into account when creating the text. This is a large subject area

that marketing agencies, translation agencies and numerous other professions deal with

extensively. Among other things, this includes the integration of keywords, i.e. certain words

that can lead to a better ranking in a search engine. Therefore, it is important to hire

professional, qualified translators for website translation.

Poor translations can even have legal consequences

Every website must fulfill certain legal obligations - 

both in Germany and abroad. Contents

such as the imprint, the general terms and conditions and data protection are affected by

this. Every country has different laws that must be observed. This is another reason why it is

a good idea to contact a professional translation agency for the translation of your website.

If you have any questions or need a website translation, please feel free to contact our team

in Berlin-Mitte.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Übersetzung von Jahresberichten: Wichtige Punkte

Mit Hilfe dieses Blogs werden Sie wissen, warum die Übersetzung von Jahresberichten eine wichtige Rolle bei der Expansion Ihres Unternehmens spielt.

Was ist ein Jahresbericht?

Der Jahresbericht bzw. Geschäftsbericht eines Unternehmens richtet sich an Investoren, Aktionäre und andere, die an den Ergebnissen des vergangenen Geschäftsjahres interessiert sind. Sie erfahren darin mehr über die Bilanz, Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung, den Anhang und den Lagebericht.
Nicht nur wird darin der vergangene Geschäftsverlauf aufgeführt, sondern es werden auch die Ziele des Unternehmens näher erklärt. Der Geschäftsbericht ist für ein Unternehmen von großer Bedeutung: Es ist damit möglich, sich wichtigen interessierten Personen, Banken und auch dem Mutterunternehmen und der Verwaltung zu präsentieren.

Warum eine Übersetzung von Jahresberichten so bedeutend ist

Ein Geschäftsbericht ist oft eine Art Aushängeschild für ein Unternehmen und die Erstellung des Berichts wird normalerweise sehr ernst genommen. Aus diesem Grund ist es sehr wichtig, einen Jahresbericht professionell von fachkundigen Übersetzern oder einem erfahrenen Übersetzungsbüro übersetzen zu lassen.
Bestimmte Fachbegriffe müssen richtig übersetzt und finanzielle Inhalte sollten vom Übersetzer genau verstanden werden. Dafür sind geschulte und qualifizierte Fachkräfte nötig. Die Auswahl und die Prüfung ihrer Qualifikation übernehmen oft Übersetzungsbüros, wodurch sich Kunden auf ein gutes Ergebnis verlassen können.

Muss der Jahresbericht übersetzt werden?

Einige Zielgruppen könnten den Jahresbericht aufgrund der Sprache nicht verstehen: Von möglichen neuen Inverstoren, die sich mit dem Unternehmen näher befassen möchten, bis hin zu internationalen Banken mit Sitz im Ausland. Möchten Sie mit ihnen kommunizieren, ist es am besten, den Geschäftsbericht professionell übersetzen zu lassen. Da der Jahresbericht bedeutend ist, ist es unbedingt notwendig, dabei einen guten Eindruck zu machen.
Die Übersetzung sollte wirken, als wäre das Dokument in dieser Sprache verfasst worden. Auch wirkt sich dies auf die Wahrnehmung des Unternehmens aus, das sich dadurch auf internationaler Ebene hervorheben kann, fortschrittlicher und professioneller erscheint. Achten Sie aber auf jeden Fall darauf, dass die Übersetzung von seriösen Fachkräften ausgeführt wird, die genügend Erfahrung auf diesem Gebiet besitzen. Es gelten bei der Erstellung eines Jahresberichts bestimmte Gesetze und Regeln, die ein Übersetzer unbedingt kennen sollte. Nur dann sollten Sie eine solch wichtige Übersetzung in Auftrag geben.

Worauf muss man bei der Übersetzung von Jahresberichten achten

Bestimmte Schreibweisen im Finanzbereich sollten unbedingt richtig übersetzt werden. Beispielsweise wird bei derselben Zahl im Englischen das Komma bei Beträgen an eine andere Stelle gesetzt als im Deutschen.
So heißt es in einem englischen Text 40,000.00, während auf Deutsch 40.000,00 geschrieben wird.

Bei automatischen Übersetzungen werden solche wichtigen Details oft falsch übersetzt oder einfach eins zu eins übernommen.
Ein weiteres Beispiel ist das Setzen des Euro-Zeichens, das, laut Duden, im Deutschen normalerweise nach dem Betrag stehen sollte, da es so auch gesprochen wird. Im Englischen steht das Dollar-Zeichen allerdings vor der Zahl.  Beispielsweise 400.00 € und $ 400,00
Hinzu kommt, dass es im Deutschen Ausnahmen gibt. Um für ein professionelles Ergebnis zu sorgen, sollte sich ein Übersetzer mit solchen Themen beschäftigen.
Unser Team von Linguidoor ist Ihr kompetenter Partner für professionelle Fachübersetzungen in allen Sprachen. Wir betreiben weltweit zwei Standorte – in Berlin-Mitte und in Noida, Indien. Kontaktieren Sie unser Team, um mehr über die Übersetzung von Jahresberichten zu erfahren oder um eine Übersetzung anzufordern.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Keyword Translation | Language translation companies |Translation company in Delhi

Language Translation Companies
Keywords are words or phrases which acts as the key to find certain information. It can contain more than a word. Keywords and keyword translation are important for search engines because they help them to present the most appropriate search results to someone who is searching.
Keywords are an important component of search engine marketing and optimization. They are an essential part of online content both for organic SEO and paid SEM campaigns. You will always need to focus on the right keywords which help in your business growth. 

Why keyword translation is important?

When someone enters a keyword in the search engine, it will give results based on the keyword. For example, consider the keyword “translation”.  When an internet user enters the word translation in a search engine, such as GoogleYahoo and Bing, the internet shows the result in the information that matches the keyword, translation. The internet provides the websites which have translation content in it. So if you have a professional translation company it is very important that your website contains certain keywords like translation.
Targeting users in different languages and countries is always challenging. There will be search engines indexing it and users acting on it. So it is important to invest time in planning effectively in order to make your translation company appear in better search results. 
Internet will drive targeted web traffic into your translation website for free. Some keywords get hundreds and thousands of searches a day.  Include those mostly searched keywords on the websites in order to appear in the search results. Take some time and thought in researching keywords.

Keyword research and its importance

Before translating the keywords, it is very important that one should do proper keyword research. With the help of keyword research, you can know more about the terminologies and local word which people use in their region or country.
Learn more about keyword research
For a global SEO strategy and planning is incomplete without multilingual keyword research. Proper keyword research helps you to achieve a great result if you are doing global SEO. It is very important to understand not just the geography, but one should think about the cultural and linguistic variation of the target group. Just translation of a Word for SEO will not help. The keyword has to be localized in the regional language respecting the culture and tradition.

Below you will find a few examples:

If you are doing Keyword research and SEO for US Market then you have to choose the word which people use in the US like Vacation. In the US people use the word vacation for Holiday. So you have to use vacation as a keyword and not a Holiday. Because people will search “best vacation places” and not “best holiday places”.
The translation of the keyword is very important. The next example will tell you. If you are translating the German word “Wohnung” in English, the translation will be apartment or flat. But if you are doing global SEO, you have to use the translation very seriously. In the UK people use the word flat but in the US, people use the word apartment. So for both the English speaking countries, they use a different word with a same meaning.
Only translation will not help you in SEO. You have to localize the word so that it will appeal to the local audience and you can get a targeted audience with localized keyword. One perfect example of localization of a keyword is the English word “projector”. The german translation of this word is “Projektor”. But in Germany, nobody uses the word “Projektor”. They always use the word “beamer”.

How to use keyword Translation?

Translation of keyword is very competitive online because a professional translation company are trying to get referrals from users when they search for those keywords. Use as many keywords as possible on your website and see how effective they will be in marketing your site online. Develop a simple plan of action for implementing the keyword on your site. For example, if you have a website about translations, based on keyword research, you have to come up with the following translation keywords to target.
  •       Document Translation
  •       Website Translation
  •       Marketing Translation.
  •       Technical Translation
  •       Legal Translation
  •       Medical Translation
  •       App & Game Translation
Create pages on your website targeting translation of keyword by providing relevant information to online searchers about what they are looking for. Having articles on your website that is relevant to the translation services is a great option. Traffic is needed for any blog or site, but it will flow if you have a nice content. It ultimately results in better search rankings.
Translation of keyword is important for you as business owners, marketing managers and website managers because, if used correctly, they give you the best opportunity to appear high up in the search engine results.  And the higher up you are appearing in search engine results for translation keywords, the more traffic you are likely to get and the more clients you are likely to meet.
Below are some online Keyword tools which will help you in global SEO:

Learn_More :

Linguidoor is a professional translation company which offers multilingual keyword translation service in 50+ Language. 

Contact us @ : or Whatsapp +4917634355168.
Visit us for more details @

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How To Prepare For A Job Search Visa For Germany

Germany can be your dream country for your career and a great future.  Germany always welcomes people with relevant experience and people who can play a role in the German economy. Highly skilled workers have great demands in one of the biggest powerhouse in Europe. If you fall in the list of skilled labour, the German government will grant you a Job Search Visa For Germany. This visa is valid for six months. Jobseeker visa will allow you to stay in German and find a suitable job according to your education and relevant experience.
The intention of this article is not to detail out all the steps needed for applying for the visa. All the required info can be found here.

But there are few things which you must know before applying for Job Search Visa For Germany

The first thing that comes in my mind is a dedicated and professional approach to application preparation. I would suggest writing a well-formatted and precise letter of intent (Cover letter). This article should give an idea of why you want to come to Germany and what is the purpose and motivation behind it. I would suggest making it very specific and precise as German is always straight forward.

Check if your Degree and college are valid in Germany

One of the important steps is to have your complete CV in EU format. You will also have to ensure that your University and your degree is recognised in Germany. You can easily check your college or university in anabin if they are valid in Germany or not.  At last, It is important that you have a translation of all your important document like CV, Intent Letter, certificate and degree into the German language. To know more about professional, certified and budget Translation service, please follow the link.

Manage your Finances before applying

While preparing your application, it’s very important to plan your financials. You will need it at the time of application submission. Proper finance is always one of the important factors when you plan to go abroad either for studies or for job search. There are two ways to show the proof of fund at the time of visa application to cover your stay. Firstly,  one would be that you show the proof that you have sufficient fund to finance your stay in Germany. Secondly, if it is possible to to get an obligation letter (Verpflichtungserklärung). The so-called “Verpflichtungserklärung” says that you have a local sponsor, who will be financially responsible for you during your stay in Germany.

Learn the German Language

Now I am coming to the point which people normally doesn’t like or put their efforts on. Learn German. Once you are in Germany, language can be a hurdle on a daily basis. It’s also advisable to learn some basic German before your land. Sometimes it’s not needed in an occupation like software development. But you will need the German language just to use it on a daily basis. Germans are a bit obsessed with their language and even a small Danke schön (Thank you) or Bitte (Please) can bring some smile on their faces. For sure, you will need German skills when you will visit any of the German offices like Arbeitsamt (employment office) or even Ausländerbehörde (foreign office) for some visa purpose. Even at the time of the personal interview, if you could speak some German that will always be a plus.
I hope this article will help you in your preparation and I wish you all the luck for visa and job search in Germany. For any translation and interpretation service in any Indian or German language, please write to me at or be our friend facebook or visit us at for more details.

Note: The explanation and this article is just for guidance and you should seek specific advice from the German embassy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Why keyword translation is important for your business

Keywords are words or phrases which acts as the key to find certain information. It can contain more than a word. Keywords and keyword translation are important for search engines because they help them to present the most appropriate search results to someone who is searching.
Keywords are an important component of search engine marketing and optimization. They are an essential part of online content both for organic SEO and paid SEM campaigns. You will always need to focus on the right keywords which help in your business growth. 

Why keyword translation is important?

When someone enters a keyword in the search engine, it will give results based on the keyword. For example, consider the keyword “translation”.  When an internet user enters the word translation in a search engine, such as GoogleYahoo and Bing, the internet shows the result in the information that matches the keyword, translation. The internet provides the websites which have translation content in it. So if you have a professional translation company it is very important that your website contains certain keywords like translation.
Targeting users in different languages and countries is always challenging. There will be search engines indexing it and users acting on it. So it is important to invest time in planning effectively in order to make your translation company appear in better search results. 
Internet will drive targeted web traffic into your translation website for free. Some keywords get hundreds and thousands of searches a day.  Include those mostly searched keywords on the websites in order to appear in the search results. Take some time and thought in researching keywords.

Keyword research and its importance

Before translating the keywords, it is very important that one should do proper keyword research. With the help of keyword research, you can know more about the terminologies and local word which people use in their region or country.
Learn more about keyword research
For a global SEO strategy and planning is incomplete without multilingual keyword research. Proper keyword research helps you to achieve a great result if you are doing global SEO. It is very important to understand not just the geography, but one should think about the cultural and linguistic variation of the target group. Just translation of a Word for SEO will not help. The keyword has to be localized in the regional language respecting the culture and tradition.

Below you will find a few examples:

If you are doing Keyword research and SEO for US Market then you have to choose the word which people use in the US like Vacation. In the US people use the word vacation for Holiday. So you have to use vacation as a keyword and not a Holiday. Because people will search “best vacation places” and not “best holiday places”.
The translation of the keyword is very important. The next example will tell you. If you are translating the German word “Wohnung” in English, the translation will be apartment or flat. But if you are doing global SEO, you have to use the translation very seriously. In the UK people use the word flat but in the US, people use the word apartment. So for both the English speaking countries, they use a different word with a same meaning.
Only translation will not help you in SEO. You have to localize the word so that it will appeal to the local audience and you can get a targeted audience with localized keyword. One perfect example of localization of a keyword is the English word “projector”. The german translation of this word is “Projektor”. But in Germany, nobody uses the word “Projektor”. They always use the word “beamer”.

How to use keyword Translation?

Translation of keyword is very competitive online because a professional translation company are trying to get referrals from users when they search for those keywords. Use as many keywords as possible on your website and see how effective they will be in marketing your site online. Develop a simple plan of action for implementing the keyword on your site. For example, if you have a website about translations, based on keyword research, you have to come up with the following translation keywords to target.
  •       Document Translation
  •       Website Translation
  •       Marketing Translation.
  •       Technical Translation
  •       Legal Translation
  •       Medical Translation
  •       App & Game Translation
Create pages on your website targeting translation of keyword by providing relevant information to online searchers about what they are looking for. Having articles on your website that is relevant to the translation services is a great option. Traffic is needed for any blog or site, but it will flow if you have a nice content. It ultimately results in better search rankings.
Translation of keyword is important for you as business owners, marketing managers and website managers because, if used correctly, they give you the best opportunity to appear high up in the search engine results.  And the higher up you are appearing in search engine results for translation keywords, the more traffic you are likely to get and the more clients you are likely to meet.
Below are some online Keyword tools which will help you in global SEO:

Follow these tips on how to use translation keyword on your translation company website and grow your business. 
Linguidoor is a professional translation company which offers multilingual keyword translation service in 50+ Language. Contact us at or Whatsapp +4917634355168. Visit us for more details at

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A certified translation company will help you with document translation?

The immigration process can be ridiculously complex. From tons of forms to unending appointments and interviews, immigration processes can be tedious. In short, you need a certified translation company to translate and certify your documents
Documents like proof of occupancy, Job contracts and birth certificates are crucial in the immigration process. But these documents are non-English for most counties. For example, the United States immigration services only accept English documents. Therefore, hiring a certified translation company, of course, is a wise and beneficial approach.
You might be thinking, why don’t I just translate this myself? But not everyone can translate even if he or she knows the language. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re good with translation.
Even if you’re fluent in German and English, but that doesn’t mean you can translate your German proof of occupancy or birth certificate for US immigration purpose. In short, You’ll need a certified translation company to handle your Non-English documents.
According to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), “All submitted documents for application or another purpose must be completely translated in English”. Read more
Furthermore, the translator must issue a certificate confirming a complete and accurate translation.
This clearly confirms USCIS’s message of ” Applicants must submit their Documents in English and must be translated by a certified translation company.
You’ll need to fill countless forms, prepare documents, pay many fees, and prepare yourself for the interviews. As a result, these tasks alone can be cumbersome, and hiring an individual translator can be exhausting.
Additionally, hiring a certified translation company really takes the stress of documentation off you. You’ll have the time to focus on other immigration requirements.
Moreover, hiring a certified translation company to translate your USCIS on a regular basis will help you avoid translation mistakes in your certification.
Most importantly, your immigration process will go smoothly and void of mistakes. Your documents translation will be fairly quickly. A professional translation company knows understands how to quickly translate your document.
In conclusion, A certified translation company will help you manage your huge document translation tasks. You can be rest assured of your task getting done on time. Not just on time, but will be delivered accurately and correctly.

We at Linguidoor provides certified translation service of the following documents:

  • Birth certificate translation
  • Marriage certificate translation
  • Divorce certificate translation
  • Passport translation
  • Visa translation
  • International driving license translation
  • Court Transcripts translation
  • Diploma/Graduation Certificates translation
  • Travel Documents translation
  • Financial document translation forex Bank statement translation, tax return translation, salary certificate translation, experience certificate translation,

Below is the list of embassies, consulate and offices where the certified document translation by Linguidoor is accepted:

  • Government offices in German like Finanzamz, Bürgeramt, Ausländerbehörde and many more
  • Colleges and educational institute all over Germany and Europe
  • Financial Institution like Banks in Germany and Banks in India. They accept all the financial statement translation, salary slip translation and other financial documents.

Our certified document translation is accepted at embassies like:

– Germany
– UK
– The US
– Canada
– Australia
– Spain
– France
– Dubai and many more
Generally, the translation process of your immigration will be much accurate and done on time. A certified translation company will certify the translation and correctness of the data as per the original document. And they will also certify with attestation stamp and official signature. In conclusion, these are some of the reasons why you need a translation company.
We have a team of professional and certified linguists who can help with your immigration documents translation. We offer all the translation supports you need for your immigration documents. Feel free to contact us for more information or request a quote.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How to hire a professional translation company?

Do you need to have some contents professionally translated? You’ll need a professional translation company to handle that. We’ll advise you to do deep research before hiring a professional translation company.
Most people search in GoogleYahoo or Bing for “professional translation company” and just click on any link that pops up on the first page of their search result. You need to carefully choose a professional translation agency with the right resources to deliver an outstanding job.
So what are the factors to consider before choosing the professional translation agency?

Customer service

Are they friendly or ready to discuss your requirements? How quickly do they respond to
email or phone contacts?
in Short, avoid agencies that only want to pick your content, translate, and deliver without prior discussions. Your document translation process must be fluid, transparent, and collaborative.
You should consider an agency that can complete the project within the deadline, deliver on time, and manage different projects at once.


Being fluent in a language does not automatically make a good translator. That’s why you
should look for an agency with professional and native linguists that understand your
target dialect.
Make sure your target translation company has proven experience and knowledge of your
business sector. Knowing fully well that your translation agency has professional translators
who are specifically familiar with the technical aspect of your project is quite helpful.
On the other hand, some agencies just take a project and translate a project with basic
knowledge without digging deep into the technical part.


Hiring excellent linguistics is great, but if you want to a perfect translation job, makes sure
you go with an agency that puts quality in place.
Making mistake is rare for a professional linguist but if the unexpected happens, you’ll know full well that your work will be perfected before it reaches you.

Certifications and Security

Most importantly always go for a certified translation company. The most certified agency knows their onions and they may likely deliver good results.


As with life, you get what you pay for and the translation industry is no different. You can
decide to visit some cheap website for your translation service. Of courses, they can be cheap but expect low-quality output.
A professional translation company will charge a decent price for their professionalism, but
that doesn’t mean you have to spend beyond budget. A professional company will price-match their competitors.
We at Linguidoor have a team of professional linguists who can help with the translation of your content. We offer all the support you need for your translations. Feel free to contact us at or WhatsApp +4917634355168 for more information or request a quote.

Why you should hire professional Ecommerce Website Translation Service

 First impressions count and this also applies to your website. Since there are over a billion Ecommerce websites on the Internet today, the...

Translation Services in India | best content writing services